Merch In the Wild

Willi Carlisle Merch: In the Wild – Folk Roots and Roadside Stories

Step into the world of Willi Carlisle through a series of photos that capture his merch in the wild, where folk music meets adventure. These images show the gear in its natural setting—whether it's a well-worn shirt on a mountain hike, a cozy hoodie by a campfire, or a hat tipping its brim in a quiet folk session. It’s more than just merch; it’s part of the journey, the stories, and the spirit of folk music that ties it all together. Wander through this collection and see how the pieces come to life in the open air, where songs and stories find their home in the wild.

Got some sweet shots of your Willi gear? We want to see them!

Email them to (please include your name in the caption or in subject of email) OR submit your snaps here: